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The Brokenhead River flows through Treaty 1 Territory, the ancestral lands of the Anishinaabe, Cree, Oji-Cree and Dakota and the homeland of the Métis Nation.


It rises from the hills of Sandilands Provincial Forest in southeastern Manitoba, Canada. From there it charts a winding path north, through field and forest, to the south basin of Lake Winnipeg. It's fed by Hazel Creek, Bears Creek and numerous wetlands and drains. The total watershed covers an area of 26 000 square kilometres. 


Along the way deciduous trees mix with conifers and an understory of shrubs, flowers and other plants grows below. Gravel, mud and rock are scattered under the tea coloured water, while larger rocks and boulders, making class 1 rapids, rise above.  


Wildlife of all types abounds and human elements of farms, homes, and cottages dot the landscape and reveal the people of the river.

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